Paul B. Kantor, Consultant
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Paul Kantor's
research and consulting addresses a broad range of issues related generally
to Homeland Security, and related National Security interests. He has served
as the Research Director of the CCICADA
(Command Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis)
based at Rutgers/DIMACS. He has particular
expertise on the role of information systems for storage and retrieval in a
wide range of applications, with special emphasis on rigorous evaluation of
the effectiveness of such systems. At Rutgers he is a
retired member of the Department of Library and Information Science, the
Center for Operations Research (RUTCOR), the Center for Discrete Mathematics
and Computer Sciences (DIMACS) and an (Emeritus) Associate member of the
Department of Computer Science. He is also an
Honorary Associate of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at
the University of Wisconsin, Madison Paul is a member
of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the IEEE, and the
Sociey for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM). His research has been supported by such agencies as the NSF, DARPA,
ARDA, DOD, DHA, and the US Department of Education. He was educated in
Physics and Mathematics at Columbia and Princeton, has received the ASIST
Research award, and is a Fellow of the AAAS. Biographical listings: Who's Who
in America; Who's Who in the World. |
Professor (Emeritus) of Information Science at Rutgers University.
Contact Information: Email: paulbkantor AT gmail dot COM
Phone and Fax: Available by email
A full CV is available here. |